
Our years of experience in the Marketing segment can offer important advances for the needs of your company




We're Martech

We want to optimize a marketing strategy or campaign to the maximum level, therefore, we merged Marketing with Technology,

It's time to invest time in what really matters, automating tasks with solutions that provide useful information and relevant so that you can find paths that lead you to greater productivity. 

Marketing 360º


Brand positioning

For the Paraguayan and international market that is increasingly demanding.


Loyal Costumers

Internal and external to consolidate the relationship with the brand.


To connect people

Proper networking can help you boost your business.


Marketing and Comunication

We advise companies and micro-entrepreneurs because we stand out in strategic marketing planning. 


Brand Development

We help you take that first step. We develop the concept of the brand, as well as the graphic part and brochures. We also support brands in their rebranding.



We work together with the company's management and directory to generate actions that help to better involve the team of employees. 


Marketing Automation​

We guarantee control of your investment in marketing and advertising, through decision-making based on data provided by specialized tools.


We plan actions to boost brand and sales in tendency digital media.

The visual impact we generate with the brand is key to a solid digital presence.

We train people capable of developing their own success strategies.

We investigate everything a company needs to know about its clients or consumers.

We're here to Help You

Our office is located on Ruta VII, km. 4, Malú Building, n°140, 3rd floor, room 301 – Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. Our office hours are Monday to Friday. from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The first step is to get in touch with us, we can schedule a meeting virtual or face to face so that we can get to know the project idea better. Then we define the services and send you a quotation. Once approved, we can start!

Conocé más sobre nuestro trabajo en nuestro Blog.

We have custom plans, designed to serve micro-enterprises and micro-entrepreneurs. In addition, we offer reduced service packages that can meet specific needs of your business.

Yes, we carry out training of different types, adapting to what the company or the person requests. Visit our page Training.

We accept cash payments or online by:

a) Giros of any phone to +595993275121 (Claro) | +info | taxes

b) Banking Deposit or Transfer Bancaria a las Cuentas:

  • Banco Familiar

Nombre: Balmasch EAS Unipersonal

RUC 80121163-8

Nº Cuenta: 37-07775095 

  • Banco Sudameris

Nombre: Balmasch EAS Unipersonal

RUC 80121163-8

Nº Cuenta: 0001000004275111

We have special discounts for members of Cámara de Empresarios of Ciudad del Este, of Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras de Alto Paraná. In addition, we have an agreement with the Universidad Americana of CDE.

In Balmasch we have a Trainees Program For students of the Marketing and Advertising career of the Universidad Americana of CDE. In case of interest, it is necessary to register through this form.

Open vacancies are always available on our LinkedIn page. In case of wanting to be part of our professionals database, you can send us your CV to the mail:

We're Balmasch

We have a team of talented marketing and technology professionals with vast experience in digital marketing, strategic planning, design and development of content for segments of all kinds.

Contact Us


+595 983 649317

Visit Us

Ruta VII, KM. 4, Malú Building, No. 140, piso 3, sala 301 - Ciudad del Este, Paraguay.

Send us an Email
